Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Brain farts and the cleaning arts

Ok now I feel like a Nong lol I just figgered out I can do this on my iPhone lol  so I might get a few pore posts out lol

Ok so update time we are all still alive Aaron and I don't hate each other and the twinlets are growing well lol they are now 7months old and crawling everywhere :)

So I thing I told you all about how we rented the first house available to get away from the neighbours from hell and it kinda worked for awhile I guess - when we brought the twins home it was winter and the house was freezing so we all lived in the lounge room for almost 4 months with the gas heater on most of the time now its summer the house is like an oven and we are all in the living room again with the air con on so the babies don't get heatstroke :( its just not a practical house for a baby let alone two . There is basically no kitchen just a stove and a sink with cupboards under it and a tiny lounge room with no room for them now they're crawling lol
Good news is we found a new house! We move this week and next it's got a good kitchen a big lounge room smaller bedrooms but that's ok! So I've been culling our stuff this week  I got the idea from a blog  I'll post the link to later  so far I've gotten rid of
3 plates that don't go with any set and we don't use
6 mugs that suck and we don't use
3 tiny cookie cutters we don't use
One shelf of broken mismatched and random tupperware pplastic storage
Gross old wooden spoons
A broken bullet blendy thing and the cups
A rolling pin you put water in that was missing is cap so was useless
Any pair of undies in the house with holes in them same with socks
Am doing more tomorrow  well of to bed now
Xoxo mummy of twinlets